What To Do When Lake Levels Are Low But You Want To Go Kayak Fishing... MAKE A CART? [Simple DIY Project Build]

When Light and Easy is not So Light and Easy

Several years ago when drought conditions resulted a number of park and boat ramp closures in the area, I decided to build a kayak cart that would allow me to roll my kayak on wheels instead of carrying it on my shoulders.

My kayak is light and easy to carry from my compact pickup truck to the water's edge normally.  It is not so light or easy when the park gate is closed and the water's edge is much further away.

Build It and You Will Fish

After searching the internet for plans, I came across one plan that someone posted on their Blog (Palmetto Kayak Fishing) that looked simple to build.

I searched further and found a YouTube video (Homemade PVC Kayak Cart) that was similar to the one described in the Blog. Moreover, it provided additional details that convinced me to go ahead and build one.

My Kayak Cart

The end result is posted in the video below. After cutting the PVC to length, it only took me about 30" to assemble it.

I still have some "tweaking" to do but at this point it works... now, just got to find time to breakaway and do some kayak fishing, else will have to wait for the weekend.

Originally posted July 15, 2015

8" Inch Wheel from Walmart


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